Think-brand’s philosophy and approach to business and brand strategy is governed by 3 principles:
1. Simple by nature
Brand strategy is often treated as a complex and esoteric subject. It shouldn’t be.
Most of the disciplines of managing a brand are straightforward, even intuitive. After all, the simplest ideas are often the most powerful. Much of the value in brand analysis and strategy, is to ‘de-clutter’ and give focus to a business. External resource can help bring the clarity often obscured by the fog of everyday management challenges.
2. Strategy is action
Strategy should always guide people to specific and tangible actions.
Marketers and agencies are often seen as spending too much time theorising or producing obscure ideas. But strategy is worthless if it doesn’t stimulate action or influence behaviour. While analysis is valuable to get a clear perspective on a brand’s status, ultimately initiatives should be conceived that lead to actionable outcomes.
3. More than marketing
Brands are not just about design and advertising; customers experience your entire culture.
Cool advertising and a great logo might make people sit up and take notice. But on their own they yield a brief fling rather than an enduring marriage. Brands are about the relationship between an organisation and its stakeholders, so every colleague has a part to play, and engaging them and clarifying their role is crucial. Culture is key, which means that even recruitment and incentivisation are prime levers in successful brand management.
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